Fair Pay



Society should be fair but regrettably we all know it’s not. Food banks, zero hour contracts to name a few. In a wealthy country like ours, how on earth are these elements of society allowed to exist. No one should be in a position to have to be compelled to call upon the services of food banks. Ones dignity is stripped down to the lowest level having to ask for food to feed ones self and family .Not having enough money to pay for the basis, shoes for the kids,  healthy food to keep the pain of hunger away, heating to keep the chill away and promote the sense of comfort.


Having enough cash in ones pocket greatly reduces the stresses of life and allows us to plan. Plan for the future, plan for the next meal. Zero hour contract should be band. A living wage not backed up with benefits should be the norm. For that to happen fundamental changes needs to occur.  We are a mere small cog in the machine but do our bit and pay above the living wage. Here at Property fitness we believe in descent wages results in loyal productive workers and we know it is the right thing to do.

  • Date
    September 2, 2020
  • Category
